Minor Complications: Two Plays

In a world where hilarity and heartbreak are next-door neighbors, minor complications inevitably arise. In this first collection of plays by Brendan Gall, including Wide Awake Hearts and A Quiet Place, these Minor Complications become groundbreakingly major.In Wide Awake Hearts, four nameless friends — a writer, an actress, an actor, and an editor — stumble through the nightmarish landscape of love and infidelity while trying to make a movie about those very things. Reality and fiction blur as all four try to tear everything apart, hoping to wake up to something better.In A Quiet Place, two amnesiacs in a room with no door attempt to solve the puzzle of their own existence while trying not to kill or fall in love with each other. A great reckoning in a little room, this play will take you from mystery to comedy to tragedy — all with just two men, one chair, and a light bulb.