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Contradictory Characters
Winner of the George Jean Nathan Award for Dramatic Criticism
Playwright and critic Albert Bermel examines thirteen modern plays to assess the...
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Tolstoy: Plays V2 - Volume II: 1886-1889
Although Tolstoy's fame rests on his novels, he was also a prolific dramatist. Because his plays are satirical, didactic, and colored by complex...
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Comic Agony
With clarity, liveliness, and wit, Albert Bermel explores the juxtaposition of the tragic and the comic in modern drama, revealing the ways in which...
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The First Quarto of King Lear
This edition of King Lear is based on the first (1608) quarto and represents a significantly different version from that published in the Folio of...
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A Midsummer Night’s Dream
This is a detailed account of the theatrical fortunes of A Midsummer Night’s Dream on the British stage, from the 1590s to the 1990s. The...
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Mask Improvisation for Actor Training and Performance
Because mask improvisation work is relatively new in American theater training, this book is designed not only to acquaint readers with the theory of...
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A Midsummer Night’s Dream
This is a detailed account of the theatrical fortunes of A Midsummer Night’s Dream on the British stage, from the 1590s to the 1990s. The...
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The First Quarto of King Richard III
Shakespeare’s Richard III presents difficult textual problems. There are 2,000 verbal differences between the text of the first quarto (1597) and...
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Renaissance Drama 25
Renaissance Drama, an annual and interdisciplinary publication, is devoted to drama and performance as a central feature of Renaissance culture. The...
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Mayakovsky: Plays
One of Russia's greatest poets, Vladimir Mayakovsky (1893-1930) was a Futurist, early Bolshevik, and champion of the avant-garde. Despite his...
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Renaissance Drama 24
Renaissance Drama, an annual and interdisciplinary publication, is devoted to drama and performance as a central feature of Renaissance culture. The...
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The Two Gentlemen of Verona
An active approach to Shakespeare in the classroom. This edition of The Two Gentlemen of Verona is part of the Cambridge School Shakespeare series....
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Antony and Cleopatra
An active approach to Shakespeare in the classroom. This edition of Antony and Cleopatra is part of the Cambridge School Shakespeare series. Like...
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Samlade misstag
Heiner Müller (Reimund Heiner Müller) räknas som en av Tysklands främsta dramatiker under andra hälften av 1900-talet. Han var dessutom...
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Brecht Collected Plays: Two
One of a series of eight, this volume features the plays Man Equals Man, The Elephant Calf, The Threepenny Opera, The Rise and Fall of the City of...
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Brecht Collected Plays: Six
One of a series of eight, this volume features the plays The Good Person of Szechwan, The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui, and Mr Puntila and his Man...
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Brecht Collected Plays: Three
Volume three of "Brecht's Collected Plays" brings together in paperback volume 3.i and volume 3.ii of the hardback series. Also...
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Brecht Collected Plays: Five
This volume brings together two of Brecht's most studied and performed plays: Life of Galileo and Mother Courage and Her Children together with...
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Gogol: Plays and Selected Writings
The theatrical genius of Gogol has gone largely unappreciated by English-speaking audiences because literal translations have left his plays...
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Tolstoy: Plays V1 - Volume I: 1856-1886
Although Tolstoy's fame rests on his novels, he was also a prolific dramatist; yet this part of his oeuvre has been consistently neglected by...
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Troilus og Kressida
Skuespillet bygger på den gammelgreske sagnkretsen om Trojanerkrigen. Kongssønnen Troilus elsker Cressida, datter av en prest som har gått over...
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All’s Well that Ends Well
An active approach to Shakespeare in the classroom. This edition of All’s Well That Ends Well is part of the Cambridge School Shakespeare series....
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King Henry V
An active approach to Shakespeare in the classroom. This edition of Henry V is part of the Cambridge School Shakespeare series. Like every other...
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Measure for Measure
An active approach to Shakespeare in the classroom. This edition of Measure for Measure is part of the Cambridge School Shakespeare series. Like...
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