Bøker i kategorien Historie
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Liv Laga: Erfaringer fra Steinerskolen
I denne boken om Steienrskolen i Norge, som vi har valgt å kalle Liv laga, møter du et mangfold av tidligere og nåværende elever som skildrer hva...
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Pliny’s Encyclopedia
The Elder Pliny’s Natural History is one of the largest and most extraordinary works to survive from antiquity. It has often been referred to as an...
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The Devil and Mr Casement
In September 1910 the activist and anti-imperialist Roger Casement arrived in the Amazon to investigate reports of widespread human-rights abuses in...
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In Reappraisals award-winning historian Tony Judt argues that we have entered an 'age of forgetting' where we have set aside our immediate...
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Ordet og makten i Russland
I dette småskriftet presenterer Peter Normann Waage noe av den historiske og aktuelle bakgrunnen for ytringsfrihetens kår og vilkår i Russland....
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Saviours and Survivors
Penetrating analysis of the crisis in Darfur and of the ideological language of genocide.
Saviours and Survivors is the first account of the...
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Kvinna bland stålmän
Stålverket i Luleå var för inte så länge sedan en snabbt växande arbetsplats dit kvinnor medvetet rekryterades. Stålverk 80 förverkligades...
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Beyond Burnham
Beyond Burnham provides a fascinating account of a century of visionary planning for metropolitan Chicago. From Daniel Burnham and Edward Bennett’s...
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The American Crucible
A landmark history of the rise and abolition of slavery in the New World.
The acclaimed historian of slavery furnishes a panoramic view of...
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Hitler’s War Poets
Jay W. Baird comes to grips with a theme which has been generally avoided by over two generations of scholars and literary critics. He argues that...
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German Intellectuals and the Nazi Past
This book analyzes how West German intellectuals debated the Nazi past and democratic future of their country. Rather than proceeding event by event,...
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Restructuring Post-Communist Russia
Since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the question of ‘whither Russia?’ has been the source of ceaseless speculation both at home and...
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The New-Old World
A major work of modern history and political analysis, The New-Old World punctures both domestic and American myths about continental Europe....
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The Southern Press
The Southern Press suggests that the South’s journalism struck a literary pose closer to the older English press than to the democratic penny press...
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Politics in Argentina, 1890–1930
This study is concerned with the forty-year period before 1930, when Argentina experienced rapid economic and social growth broken only by the First...
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Beyond Totalitarianism
In essays written jointly by specialists on Soviet and German history, the contributors to this book rethink and rework the nature of Stalinism and...
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Chance and Circumstance
Carolyn Brown, one of the most renowned dancers of the last half-century, lived at the center of New York's bold and vibrant artistic community,...
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Strid og fred
PRIO (Peace research institute of Oslo) feirer 50-årsjubileum i 2009. Gudleiv Forr forteller PRIOs historie fra starten, der Johan Galtung ledet en...
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Rwanda. Folkemord
Rwanda året 1994: Fra april til juli ble nærmere en million mennesker tatt av dage i det som kan karakteriseres som et av historiens mest effektive...
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I Norge har det moderne forbrukersamfunnet utviklet seg parallelt med kunnskapssamfunnet. Reklamebransjen allierte seg med den psykologiske...
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Trotskij i Norge
Trass i stor motstand fra borgerlig side ga den norske regjeringen Trotskij asyl i Norge i 1935. Lenge levde han relativt fredelig og fritt på...
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Spanias og Portugals historie
Denne boken tar for seg Spanias og Portugals historie fra førhistorisk tid og fram til våre dager. Den iberiske halvøya er ofte blitt kalt et eget...
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The Feminine Matrix of Sex and Gender in Classical Athens
In The Feminine Matrix of Sex and Gender in Classical Athens, Kate Gilhuly explores the relationship between the prostitute, the wife, and the ritual...
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