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The Arts of Collecting
This is an examination of the collection of art works through an anthropological study of modes of exchange and the social roles of material culture.... Les mer
Technique and Meaning in the Paintings of Paul Gauguin
This title provides a new interpretation of Gauguin’s art. Reconstructing the artist’s changing painting techniques, Jirat-Wasiutynski and Newton... Les mer
Ei bok med teikningar av 373 sirklar. Utgangs-punktet er originalteikningar av sirklar teikna så små som det er fysisk mogeleg.... Les mer
Nasefenomenet og andre hendingar
Korte historier om underlege situasjonar og merkelege fenomen. Historiene er sett saman to og to, som om dei har noko til felles, eller...... Les mer
28 persons
Stories about 28 different people; Strange and mystical occurrences sometimes lead to dramatic consequences. The stories may stretch over... Les mer
Rembrandt’s Bathsheba Reading King David’s Letter
Rembrandt’s masterful Bathsheba Reading King David’s Letter is unusual both as a history painting and as a portrayal of a nude. Instead of... Les mer
Personal Styles in Greek Sculpture
The aim of this book is to identify and evaluate the distinctive styles of five important ancient Greek sculptors whose work is discussed by ancient... Les mer
Vermeer: Reception and Interpretation
In this study, Christiane Hertel interprets the suppositions underlying Vermeer’s canonization in the nineteenth century and also addresses the... Les mer
Signifying Art
A study of the work of a generation of respondents to the New York School, including Robert Rauschenberg, Jasper Johns and Cy Twombly, who... Les mer
Signifying Art
A study of the work of a generation of respondents to the New York School, including Robert Rauschenberg, Jasper Johns and Cy Twombly, who... Les mer
Modern Art in Eastern Europe
In this award-winning study, Steven Mansbach provides the first coherent narrative of the modern art movements of Eastern Europe. Analyzing a vast... Les mer
After Raphael
After Raphael is the first comprehensive overview of sixteenth-century Italian painting to be published in over 30 years. Reevaluating the paintings... Les mer
Visualizing Labor in American Sculpture
Visualizing Labor in American Sculpture focuses on representations of work in American sculpture, from the decade in which the American Federation of... Les mer
Kurt Johannessen: Arbeider 1984-1996
Dokumentasjon av performance og andre arbeid i perioden 1984-96. Tekst av Dag Sveen. Documentation of performances and other works in the period... Les mer
Det fula
Varför tycker vi att en trasig och smutsig kaffekopp är ful i jämförelse med en hel och ren kopp? Hur skall vi definiera det som är fult,... Les mer
The texts in group.sex discuss political groups and languages, abstract radicalism and art, feminism and bohemianism, social hierarchies, and... Les mer
28 personar
Forteljingar om 28 ulike personar. Underlege og mystiske hendingar som til tider får dramatiske konsekvensar. Historiene strekkjer seg ... Les mer
British Portrait Miniatures
For over three hundred years, from the early fifteenth century until the mid-Victorian era, there was a continuously growing demand for portrait... Les mer
The Nude in American Painting, 1950–1980
In the years following Willem de Kooning’s exhibition of the Woman paintings in 1953, a younger generation of American painters turned to the... Les mer
The Letters Of Vincent van Gogh
A new selection of Vincent Van Gough's letters, based on an entirely new translation, revealing his religious struggles, his fascination with the... Les mer
Flower Drawings
This Handbook illustrates a selection of drawings of flowers from the collection at the Fitzwilliam Museum. The book is arranged chronologically and... Les mer
Ulike utsegner på to ord sette saman med fargeflater: Ei form for subjektiv fargeforsking. Kvar farge er spesiallaga for kvar utsegn. Boka ... Les mer
Italian Maiolica
Maiolica is a type of tin-glazed earthenware associated particularly with the Renaissance, when its colourful decoration was at its peak. It was made... Les mer
Italian Maiolica
Maiolica is a type of tin-glazed earthenware associated particularly with the Renaissance, when its colourful decoration was at its peak. It was made... Les mer