Bøker i kategorien Samfunn/politikk

Kun lagervarer
Den økonomiske krisen er utgangspunktet for en reise rundt i Europa som dreier seg om krisepakker og redningsfond, men først og fremst om de... Les mer
The Figure of the Migrant
This book offers a much-needed new political theory of an old phenomenon. The last decade alone has marked the highest number of migrations in... Les mer
The Happiness Industry
In winter 2014, a Tibetan monk lectured the world leaders gathered at Davos on the importance of Happiness. The recent DSM-5, the manual of all... Les mer
Coltan mines in the Congo; electronics factories in China; devastated neighbourhoods in Detroit. Cyber-Proletariat shows us the dark-side of the... Les mer
Den sivile sfære
I denne boka møtes de normative og empiriske vitenskapene, og de møtes på området for sivilsamfunnet. Vi trenger et nytt begrep om sivilsamfunnet... Les mer
Om det politiske
I denne norske oversettelsen av On The Political tar den belgiske filosofen Chantal Mouffe et oppgjør med vår moralske forståelse av politikk og... Les mer
Marxism and Feminism
Global events, from economic crisis to social unrest and militarization, disproportionately affect women. Yet around the world it is also women who... Les mer
Ulikhetenes økonomi
Kapitalen i det 21. århundre gjorde Thomas Piketty til en verdenssensasjon og satte spørsmål om ulikheter på den internasjonale dagordenen.... Les mer
How the West Came to Rule
Mainstream historical accounts of the development of capitalism describe a process which is fundamentally European - a system that was born in the... Les mer
Havboka – eller Kunsten å fange en kjempehai fra en gummibåt på et stort hav gjennom fire årstider er en kjærlighetserklæring til... Les mer
Vi har fulgt barna våre tett gjennom barndommen. Holdt en tommel i været og heiet. Forsøkt å gi dem alt de trenger. Så, nesten umerkelig,... Les mer
Da Simen Ekern flyttet til Brussel som utvekslingsstudent på slutten av 1990-tallet, var stemningen optimistisk. "Erasmusgenerasjonen"... Les mer
Dette forandrer alt
Glem alt du trodde du visste om global oppvarming - det handler ikke om karbon, det handler om kapitalisme. I sin skarpeste bok så langt... Les mer
Något är ruttet i Sverige
Något är ruttet i Sverige! Men exakt vad kan vara svårt att sätta fingret på. Då kan det underlätta att ha någon att diskutera med, någon... Les mer
Arena - texter 93-13
I två decennier har Arena varit en oförutsägbar institution i kulturdebatten. Nu är det dags att fira 20-årsdagen! 
Hur lyckas man få en... Les mer
Midnight Notes Goes to School
Out of the Mexican southeast, a new society is emerging, one based on communal lands, recuperation of indigenous culture, gender equality,... Les mer
Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale
'It is my thesis that this general production of life, or subsistence production - mainly performed through the nonwage labour of women and other... Les mer
This groundbreaking work remains as relevant today as when it was when first published. Two of Zed's best-known authors argue that ecological... Les mer
The Debt Resisters’ Operations Manual
The Debt Resisters’ Operations Manual is a handbook for debtors everywhere to understand how this system really works, while providing practical... Les mer
The Democracy Project
From their earliest meetings, activist David Graeber knew that the Occupy Wall Street movement was something different. From small beginnings its... Les mer
This Changes Everything
Naomi Klein, author of the number 1 international bestsellers, The Shock Doctrine and No Logo, returns with This Changes Everything, a must-read on... Les mer
Crises of Imagination, Crises of Power
Today, when it seems like everything has been privatized, when austerity is too often seen as an economic or political problem that can be solved... Les mer
En färdplan för prekariatet. Vägen till ett fullvärdigt medborgarskap
Under en föreläsning i Malmö 2014 ställde ekonomen Guy Standing en enkel fråga till publiken: Hur många här förväntar sig att få fast... Les mer
Capital in the twenty-first century
What are the grand dynamics that drive the accumulation and distribution of capital? Questions about the long-term evolution of inequality, the... Les mer