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Shakespeare’s Stagecraft
For many years, critics and students of Shakespeare have tended to stress that his plays are poetic structures embodying ‘themes’, and these... Les mer
Litteraturens nollpunkt
I sin inledning till den här boken sktiver Roland Barthes: Hébert började aldrig ett nummer av Pére Duchêne utan att stoppa in ett antal... Les mer
Homer and the Epic
This is a shortened and rearranged version of The Songs of Homer, Professor Kirk’s vivid and comprehensive account of the background and... Les mer
The Verbal Icon
Essays written between 1941 and 1952 review critical approaches to literature and the verbal meaning of... Les mer
Så funkar det!
Så funkar det! är Ariels litteraturvetenskapliga fickhandbok - eller nåt. Klargörande och koncist, lekfullt och förtätat reder Paul Soares ut... Les mer
Tidens og dødens scene
Guldmedaljebelønnet prisopgave om fantasmet i Marquis de Sades fiktion af cand.phil. René Rasmussen. Marquis de Sades navn forbindes oftes... Les mer
Den høviske kærlighed
Magisterkonferens om kærlighedens opkomst i det 12. århundredes provençalske troubadourlyrik af mag.art. i litteraturvidenskab Nils Gunder Hansen... Les mer
Få filmer ses med en så skeptisk blick som just skräckfilmer, och de tycks provocera människor både visuellt och moraliskt. Men Jonas Danielsson... Les mer
The Cambridge Introduction to Shakespeare’s Comedies
Why did theatre audiences laugh in Shakespeare’s day? Why do they still laugh now? What did Shakespeare do with the conventions of comedy that he... Les mer
What is Dada???
This volume collects together the Dada writings of Theo van Doesburg, the celebrated De Stijl architect. Apart from the title lecture these texts... Les mer
Homo Juridicus; On the Antropological Function of the Law
In this groundbreaking work, French legal scholar Alain Supiot examines the relationship of society to legal discourse. He argues that religion and... Les mer
Shakespeare and Republicanism
Now available in an affordable paperback edition, this groundbreaking work reveals for the first time exactly how Shakespeare was influenced by... Les mer
Kærlighedens forrykte tale
Essays med en gennemgang af kærlighedens og forelskelsens elementer med henvisninger til andre tiders, forfatteres og elskendes opfattelse af de... Les mer
Aufschreibesysteme 1800/1900
Als Aufschreibesystem bezeichnet Kittler in seiner Medientheorie primär technische Einrichtungen, die dem Speichern von Daten dienen, aber auch... Les mer
Shakespeare and the Power of Performance
Focussing on the practical means and media of Shakespeare’s stage, this study envisions new horizons for his achievement in the theatre. Bridging... Les mer
Work and Play on the Shakespearean Stage
Time and again, early modern plays show people at work: shoemaking, grave-digging, and professional acting are just some of the forms of labour that... Les mer
Shakespeare, Love and Service
Peter Laslett’s comment, in The World We Have Lost, that in the early modern period ‘every relationship could be seen as a love-relationship’... Les mer
Shakespeare and Garrick
Much has been written about the acting style of David Garrick, the eighteenth century’s greatest actor-manager, but this book, unusually, claims a... Les mer
Shakespeare’s Literary Authorship
Re-situating Shakespeare as an early modern professional, Patrick Cheney views him not simply as a man of the theatre, but also as an author with a... Les mer