Bøker med nøkkelord «Filosofi»

Kun lagervarer
Walter Benjamins monstrøse kulturværk, en "bibel" for og om moderne omsider på dansk. Med udførlig navne- og begrebsliste ved... Les mer
Agora. Nr. 4 2006
Dette nummeret av tidsskriftet Agora er viet temaet... > Les mer
On Liberty and the Subjection of Women
A prodigiously brilliant thinker who sharply challenged the beliefs of his age, the political and social radical John Stuart Mill was the most... Les mer
Det andra könet
Simone de Beauvoirs sakliga, inspirerande och roliga uppgörelse med ma nssamhällets alla myter om kvinnan utkom 1949. I dag har hennes bok om... Les mer
Theory of Religion
Theory of Religion brings to philosophy what Georges Bataille’s earlier book The Accursed Share brought to anthropology and history, namely, an... Les mer
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Nietzsche regarded Thus Spoke Zarathustra as his most important work, and his story of the wandering Zarathustra has had enormous influence on... Les mer
Interrogating the Real
Presents collected writings of Slavoj Zizek - one of the world's leading contemporary cultural commentators. Drawing upon a range of his prolific... Les mer
Out of This World
Gilles Deleuze was one of the most influential French philosophers of the last century. Michel Foucault famously suggested that the 20th century... Les mer
The Anti-Oedipus Papers
"The unconscious is not a theatre, but a factory," wrote Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari in Anti-Oedipus (1972), instigating one of the... Les mer
Utopia Deferred
The Utopie group was born in 1966 at Henri Lefebvre's house in the Pyrenees. The eponymous journal edited by Hubert Tonka brought together... Les mer
Adorno: A Guide for the Perplexed
One of the most influential philosophers and cultural theorists of the twentieth century, Theodor Adorno poses a considerable challenge to students.... Les mer
Man bør tvivle om alt - og tro på meget
Da denne på én gang pædagogisk anlagte og fagligt solide fremstilling af filosofiens historie fra begyndelsen i det 6. årh. fvt. til de... Les mer
Lust for Life
Kathy Acker one of the most original, subversive and influential writers of the late 20th century. Known variously, and notoriously, as a consummate... Les mer
Lacan: The Silent Partners
Jacques Lacan is the foremost psychoanalytic theorist after Freud. Revolutionizing the study of social relations, his work has been a major influence... Les mer
The Elements of Justice
What is justice? Questions of justice are questions about what people are due. However, what that means in practice depends on the context in which... Les mer
Krig och Film: Perceptionens logistik
När första världskrigets flygare synkroniserade sina kulsprutor med kameror förvandlades verkligheten till en måltavla. Det blev startpunkten... Les mer
Meditationer over den første filosofi
Alle kender vendingen ’cogito ergo sum’ – måske også den kåde variant: ’coitus ergo sum’ (sådan set lige så sand) – men ikke alle... Les mer
Thomas Aquinas (1224/6-1274) was one of the greatest of the medieval philosophers. His Summa Theologiae is his most important contribution to... Les mer
Norms and the Law
This book contains perspectives of world-renowned scholars from the fields of law, economics, and political science about the relationship between... Les mer
Kroppens fænomenologi
Den fænomenologiske tilgang til verden – en umiddelbar oplevelse af helheder og værenstilstande – kan tage sig meget forskellig ud, især hvis... Les mer
The Parallax View
The Parallax View is Slavoj Zizek's most substantial theoretical work to appear in many years; Zizek himself describes it as his magnum opus.... Les mer
Descartes: A Biography
Descartes is best remembered for ‘I think, therefore I am’, but his main contribution to the history of ideas was to construct a philosophy that... Les mer
Samlede verker bind III
Hippias minor eller Om løgn, oversatt av Tore Frost Den som tar mål av seg til å være sannferdig, kan denne person også tillate seg å lyve? I... Les mer
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Nietzsche regarded ‘Thus Spoke Zarathustra’ as his most important work, and his story of the wandering Zarathustra has had enormous influence on... Les mer