Bøker med nøkkelord «Politikk»

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Hvorfor er vi i krig?
Forfatterens utgangspunkt for denne boka er 11. september - eksplosjonen som gjorde USA døv for omverdenen. Han søker å identifisere landets nye... Les mer
Rational Foundations of Democratic Politics
Democracy is widely accepted today, perhaps as never before, as the most suitable form of government. But what is democracy, and does it always... Les mer
Companions in Crime
Criminologists often allude to peer influence in explanations of crime and delinquency, but the meaning of that concept rarely receives careful... Les mer
Situational Prison Control
This book examines the control of problem behaviour in prison from a situational crime prevention perspective. Following the success of situational... Les mer
A Singular Modernity
The concepts of modernity and modernism are amongst the most controversial and vigorously debated in contemporary philosophy and cultural theory. In... Les mer
To fly styrtet i World Trade Center
Terroraksjonen 11. september var et angrep på symboler. To sentrale bilder på økonomisk og militær makt ble angrepet og endret karakter. Bildene... Les mer
Situational Prison Control
This book examines the control of problem behaviour in prison from a situational crime prevention perspective. Following the success of situational... Les mer
Forsøgets tid
Samling af essays med en omfattende emnekreds, der spænder fra politisk-historisk analyse og kulturkritik til diskussion af kunst og kunstnere.... Les mer
Liberalismens Död
Immanuel Wallerstein har ett mångårigt vetenskapligt författarskap bakom sig. Det var han som lanserade den så kallade... Les mer
Impersonal Influence
People’s perceptions of the attitudes and experiences of mass collectives are an increasingly important force in contemporary political life. In... Les mer
Reviving the Fourth Estate
The news media is traditionally the watchdog of democracy. Today, it is also one of the most pervasive global industries. In this lively and... Les mer
Politics and Rationality
Rational choice approaches to the study of politics are of great and growing prominence in political science. There are an increasing number of... Les mer
Politics and Rationality
Rational choice approaches to the study of politics are of great and growing prominence in political science. There are an increasing number of... Les mer
Fra Hiroshima til Twin Towers
Tredie bind i serien om politiske fredsbestræbelser i det tyvende århundrede. Uddrag: Verdenssamfundet har heller ikke formået at indfri... Les mer