Bøker med nøkkelord «Skuespill»
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Inoculations: Four Plays
These four plays - White Mice, Who Shot Jacques Lacan?, Radio Rooster Says That's Bad and Over - written by Darren O'Donnell for his theatre company,...
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Mexico: A Play
Stein's memorable play Mexico was first printed in the groundbreaking 1922 collection Geography and Plays, a book which, like other works published...
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Harold Pinter: A Celebration
Harold Pinter is undoubtedly one of the world's major playwrights. In this tribute to him on his seventieth birthday, a number of people from...
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Our Town and Other Plays
Finding the theatre of the 1920s lacking in bite and conviction, Thornton Wilder set out to bring back realism and to celebrate the innocent, simple...
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The Winter’s Tale
An active approach to Shakespeare in the classroom. This edition of The Winter’s Tale is part of the Cambridge School Shakespeare series. Like...
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Teaterstykke 1
Boka inneheld skodespela Nokon kjem til å komme (1996), Og aldri skal vi skiljast (1994), Namnet (1995,1998), Barnet (1997), Mor og barn (1997),...
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Teater Dekadens
Här möter vi den legendariske Bo Cavefors som dramatiker. I denna volym får vi tillgång till tre av Cavefors mest säregna dramer, vissa uppsatta...
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Flykten under jorden
"Du frågar hur det är att vara död? Det är smärtsamt. Mycket smärtsamt. Och det är oåterkalleligt. Men man har förändrat världen! I...
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