Bøker av Elizabeth Grosz

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Kaos, territorium, kunst
I denne boken stiller den australske filosofen Elizabeth Grosz spørsmålet om hva som er kunstens opprinnelse og grunnlag. Heller enn å betrakte... Les mer
The Incorporeal
Philosophy has inherited a powerful impulse to embrace either dualism or a reductive monism--either a radical separation of mind and body or the... Les mer
Chaos, Territory, Art
Instead of treating art as a unique creation that requires reason and refined taste to appreciate, Elizabeth Grosz argues that art-especially... Les mer
Time Travels: Feminism, Nature, Power
Recently the distinguished feminist theorist Elizabeth Grosz has turned her critical acumen toward rethinking time and duration. Time Travels brings... Les mer
Architecture from the Outside
Essays at the intersection of philosophy and architecture explore how we understand and inhabit space.To be outside allows one a fresh perspective on... Les mer