Bøker av Terry Eagleton

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The Idea Of Communism
Contributors Slavoj A iA ek, Alain Badiou, Antoni Negri, Michael Hardt, Jacques Ranciere, Terry Eagleton, Jean-Luc Nancy, Susan Buck-Morss, Bruno... Les mer
Walter Benjamin
This momentous study of Benjamin’s critical practice marks a sea change in Eagleton’s thought. As the subtitle suggests, its goal is not merely... Les mer
Etter teorien
erry Eagleton er en av Englands fremste litteraturteoretikere og filosofer. "Etter teorien" er hans oppgjør med tilstanden i dagens kulturstudier,... Les mer
Ghostly Demarcations
With the publication of Spectres of Marx in 1993, Jacques Derrida redeemed a longstanding pledge to confront Marx's texts directly and in detail. His... Les mer
Trouble with Strangers
In this major new book, Terry Eagleton, one of the world's greatest cultural theorists, writes with wit, eloquence and clarity on the question of... Les mer
Terry Eagleton Presents Jesus Christ
In this new presentation of the Gospels, Terry Eagleton makes a powerful and provocative argument for Jesus Christ as a social, political and moral... Les mer
The Function of Criticism
This wide-ranging book argues that criticism emerged in early bourgeois society as a central feature of a “public sphere” in which political,... Les mer
Figures of Dissent
Playwright, literary theorist, fine analyst of the works of Shakespeare, the Brontes, Swift and Joyce, scourge of postmodernism, autobiographer --... Les mer
En essä om kultur
Vad är kultur? En elegant och förfinad livsstil, Strindberg och Gunnar Ekelöf, att tro på Gud eller Allah? Det är ett svårfångat begrepp,... Les mer