
"These are not merely some of the most extraordinary lyrics about central European urban realities since the death of the great Polish experimental poet Miron Bialoszewski. They are, simply put, some of the most extraordinary lyrics I have ever read about how to live with disciplined joy in the continual alienation that is urban life. GODZENIE is a book about how to live in the midst of hardship by doing the only thing fully possible: reconciling the continual loss of the here with the continuous arrival of a now. So, here at last is the expatriot heir of Bialoszewski. Strange that he should be Irish. Fitting that he should write with a mind as laminar, with a heart as wise, with lines as strange, as his predecessor"--Gabriel Gudding.

Marcus Slease is a native of Portadown, N. Ireland. He has published poetry, interviews with poets, and book reviews in literary journals in the United States and the UK. As a member of The Lucifer Poetics Group, he has participated in reading tours in North Carolina, Washington DC, Brooklyn, Ithaca, Atlanta and Philadelphia. He has also performed his work at the La Langoustine Est Morte reading series and the Openned Reading series in London. He is the coeditor of a special issue of Past Simple on avant-garde British and Irish poetry (forthcoming in February 2009). Currently, he teaches English and literacy to refugees and asylum seekers in London. You can check out his poetry, critical writing, personal musings and multimedia projects at: www.marcusslease.blogspot.com.