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Camera, Woman
'There are no lost women, only women who've forgotten their scripts.' RM Vaughan's play about Hollywood director Dorothy Arzner comes off the stage...
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Som du vil / As you like it
Rosalind er heltinna i denne komedien frå 1599-1600. Ho er datter av ein hertug som er blitt avsett og fordrive av ein svikefull bror. Far hennar...
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Eight Twentieth-Century Russian Plays
Russia produced more notable dramas in the twentieth century than at any other time in its history, yet many of the plays from this period have been...
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Plautus: Amphitruo
Plautus’ Amphitruo is the sole specimen of mythological burlesque in ancient comedy to come down to us in nearly complete form. This sex farce...
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As You Like It
Shakespeare’s As You Like It can appear bright or sombre in performance: a feast of language and a delight for comic actors; or a risk-taking...
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This generously annotated edition of Coriolanus offers a thorough reconsideration of Shakespeare’s remarkable, and probably his last, tragedy. A...
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Renaissance Drama 29 - New Series XIX 1998 Dramas of Hybridity
Renaissance Drama, an annual and interdisciplinary publication, is devoted to drama and performance as a central feature of Renaissance culture. The...
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Plautus: Amphitruo
Plautus’ Amphitruo is the sole specimen of mythological burlesque in ancient comedy to come down to us in nearly complete form. This sex farce...
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The Winter’s Tale
An active approach to Shakespeare in the classroom. This edition of The Winter’s Tale is part of the Cambridge School Shakespeare series. Like...
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King Richard III
King Richard III is one of Shakespeare’s most popular and frequently-performed plays. Janis Lull’s introduction to this new edition, based on the...
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King Henry IV
An active approach to Shakespeare in the classroom. This edition of Henry IV Part 2 is part of the Cambridge School Shakespeare series. Like every...
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Tha Farm Show
This is a record of our version of grassroots theatre. The idea was to take a group of actors out to a farming community and build a play of what we...
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Roberto Zucco
Bernard-Marie Koltes (1948-89) er den franske etterkrigsdramatikaren som har hatt størst gjennomslag, både i Frankrike og elles i Europa. Han...
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Sophocles: Antigone
Sophocles’ Antigone is probably the most widely read and performed of all Greek tragedies, and its themes and conflicts resonate powerfully into...
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Terence: Eunuchus
Terence’s Eunuchus (The Eunuch) was his most successful play in his lifetime but has been surprisingly neglected by modern commentators. In this...
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Living Glimmering Lying
Populated by characters who are searching for meaning in life and in one another--a hiker waiting for a train in a deserted station, a television...
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Teaterstykke 1
Boka inneheld skodespela Nokon kjem til å komme (1996), Og aldri skal vi skiljast (1994), Namnet (1995,1998), Barnet (1997), Mor og barn (1997),...
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The Taming of a Shrew
This is a new edition of an anonymous play, long known to scholars, which appears to be an alternative version of Shakespeare’s popular comedy, The...
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Terence: Eunuchus
Terence’s Eunuchus (The Eunuch) was his most successful play in his lifetime but has been surprisingly neglected by modern commentators. In this...
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Renaissance Drama 28 - New Series XXVIII
Renaissance Drama, an annual and interdisciplinary publication, is devoted to drama and performance as a central feature of Renaissance culture. The...
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