Bøker i kategorien Historie

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Performance Culture and Athenian Democracy
These new and specially-commissioned essays discuss the ways in which performance is central to the practice and ideology of democracy in classical... Les mer
The Apocryphal Gospels of Mary in Anglo-Saxon England
This book provides an edition, with a facing translation and detailed commentary, of the three apocryphal gospels of Mary written in Old English. The... Les mer
The Intellectual Foundations of the English Benedictine Reform
This book explores the foundations of the intellectual renaissance in tenth-century England, including both the English Benedictine reform and the... Les mer
The Burden of Responsibility
Leon Blum, Albert Camus, and Raymond Aron might seem an unlikely combination. Blum was a fin-de-siecle aesthete who became the spiritual and... Les mer
De romerska kejsarna tävlade med sina föregångare om att stifta nya, stora offentliga bibliotek. Alla böcker och bibliotek sorterade under... Les mer
Love Between Women
Love Between Women examines female homoeroticism and the role of women in the ancient Roman world. Employing an unparalleled range of cultural... Les mer
Järnvägsresandets historia
Wolfgang Schivelbusch tar i Järnvägsresandets historia läsaren med på en ständigt överraskande färd genom det nya samhälle som... Les mer
Från flygdröm till swingscen
Under det svenska 1930-talet bröts gammalt mot nytt som kanske aldrig förr. Mot det gamla Fattigsverige stod nu Folkhemmets vision laddad med... Les mer
Den inre kretsen
Niklas Stenlås uppmärksammade avhandling Den inre kretsen är en granskning av den svenska ekonomiska elitens inflytande över partipolitik och... Les mer
Sport and Society in Ancient Greece
Sport and Society in Ancient Greece provides a concise and readable introduction to ancient Greek sport. It covers such topics as the links between... Les mer
Los Angeles
Ingen världsstad har blivit mer älskad och mer hatad än Los Angeles. Entusiasterna hävdar att den har allt. Belackarna ser den som en ständigt... Les mer
A Hitler Youth in Poland
During the Nazi era, millions of German children between the ages of seven and sixteen were taken from their homes and sent to Hitler Youth... Les mer
The Last Eyewitnesses
These testimonies, submitted by individual authors and not originally intended for publication, were assembled as a historical record by the... Les mer
Lessons and Legacies II
In the years following the demise of the Third Reich, the task of Holocaust education fell predominantly to survivors. Now, as the generation of... Les mer
Russian Subjects
Although Russia's major Golden Age writers have had numerous book-length studies devoted to them by distinguished American slavists, no Western... Les mer
The Urban Image of Augustan Rome
The Urban Image of Augustan Rome examines the idea and experience of the ancient city at a critical moment, when Rome became an Imperial capital.... Les mer
A Cross of Iron
In A Cross of Iron, one of the country’s most distinguished diplomatic historians provides a comprehensive account of the national security state... Les mer
Fighting for Rome
The essays in Fighting for Rome confront the traumatic disjunction between the militarist culture of classical Rome, with its heavy investment in... Les mer
Language and History in the Early Germanic World
This book offers a distinctive and accessible approach to the earliest encounters of the Germanic tribes of Northern Europe with classical antiquity... Les mer
Slaves, Warfare, and Ideology in the Greek Historians
This book challenges conventional opinion by arguing that slaves and Helots played an important part in classical Greek warfare. Although rival... Les mer
Anglo-Saxon England (No. 26)
In the present volume, the two essays that frame the book provide exciting insight into the mental world of the Anglo-Saxons by showing on the one... Les mer
A History of Cambridge University Press
This second volume of the history of Cambridge University Press deals with a period of fundamental changes in printing, publishing, and bookselling.... Les mer
A Journey Back
At the age of twenty-one, Arnon Tamir was deported to Poland from his home in Germany. A Journey Back describes Tamir's life in Germany, his... Les mer
Vetenskap och karriär
Denna bok behandlar naturvetenskapens ställning och naturvetares karriärvillkor under 1900-talet. Utgångspunkten är fysikers ändrade... Les mer