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Old Floating Cloud - Two Novellas
Can Xue draws the reader into a world of the grotesque and the surreal, of uncertain spaces and indeterminate identities, of sexual menace and...
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Pride and Prejudice
No novel in English has given more pleasure than Pride and Prejudice. Because it is one of the great works in our literature, critics in every...
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The Countess from Minneapolis
A sequence in verse and prose in which the spaces of the Mississippi and New York City yield a rich counterpoint.
Born in North Carolina,...
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Hannibal Lecter, My Father
Edited by Sylvère Lotringer and published in 1991, Hannibal Lecter, My Father gathers together Acker’s early work: raw, brilliant, emotional and...
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Die größere Hoffnung
Ilse Aichingers 1948 erschienener Roman über rassisch verfolgte Kinder während der Hitlerzeit irritiert noch immer: In verfremdenden Bildern...
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Manon Lescaut
When the young Chevalier des Grieux first sets eyes on the exquisitely beautiful and charming Manon Lescaut they fall passionately in love. But his...
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The Dangerous Age
Elsie Lindtner is a woman at the "dangerous age" of forty-two in a society that values women only as marriageable items. After twenty-two...
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The Inoperative Community
Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (University of Minnesota Press) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer...
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Bronsegutter: Fortellinger
Miljøet i fortellingene hans er gjerne et arbeiderstrøk i en norsk småby, og han skildrer sine personer med sympati og humor, og ofte sår...
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Wonderful Wonderful Times
Written by the recipient of the 1986 Heinrich Boell Prize for German literature and the author of The Piano Teacher, this novel explores the darker...
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Ansikte mot ansikte
Ansikte mot ansikte börjar hos den tyske 1600-talsmystikern Jakob Böhme och fortsätter genom Lidners och Swedenborgs 1700-tal för att sluta med...
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La belle Hortense
Jacques Roubaud, born in 1932, has been a professor of mathematics at the University of Paris X Nanterre and is one of the most accomplished members...
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99: The New Meaning
5 texts that use collage as an instrument to probe the nature of fiction, narrative continuity, structure, tone, language, even the concept of...
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Walking Through Clear Water In a Pool Painted Black
Cookie trips through her forty-year odyssey on this planet--from LSD to shopping at the A&P, from birthing Max to shooting Pink Flamingos. The echoes...
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69 Ways to Play the Blues
The phone refuses to ring. I sit here on 82nd Street; no, on 83rd; no, on 81st; I forget where I am. The phone refuses to ring, to tear me out of...
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Candy From Strangers
Witty, wonderful and disturbing all at the same time, Candy from Strangers, Diana Hartog's second book, sparkles with the same unforgettable images...
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If You’re A Girl
Elizabeth LeComte: Alright, I want to know something and I want the straight dope. Were you ever in the sack with this guy?
Ann Rower: With...
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The Fire Next Time
Since it was first published, this famous study of the Black Problem in America has become a classic. Powerful, haunting and prophetic, it sounds a...
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Three Lives
First published in 1909, Three Lives marks the beginning of an era of bold experimentation with literary form and language that has continued...
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