Hebrew Manuscripts at Cambridge University Library

For some five hundred years, Hebrew books have been counted among the treasures of the University of Cambridge, and Cambridge University Library’s current holdings of Hebrew manuscripts (excluding its Genizah collections) are in excess of a thousand items. A wide range of Hebrew literature is represented, with substantial numbers in Bible, Bible Versions and Commentaries, Talmud, Halakhah, Liturgy, Science, Poetry, Philosophy and Kabbalah. The bulk of the material is late mediaeval, but there are also earlier items. This volume represents the first successful attempt to publish descriptions that will guide researchers in codicological matters and alert them to data of special scholarly significance, without overwhelming them with a mass of unnecessary detail. It includes many references to recent publications, as well as a representative selection of photographed folios.

• The first comprehensive guide to the Hebrew manuscipts in Cambridge University Library • A range of literature from many centuries • Author is well known in the field


Hebrew and Hebraists at Cambridge: an historical introduction; Herbert Loewe’s 1927 preface to his handlist; Descriptions of the manuscripts: Bible texts; Bible versions; Bible commentaries; Talmud; Aggadic selections; Midrash; Halakhah; Liturgy; Philology; History and geography; Numerical and other sciences; Religious and secular poems; Philosophy; Ethics; Kabbalah; Other literature and belles lettres; Karaitica; Apocrypha; Pseudepigrapha and New Testament; Collectanea and Miscellanea; Legal Documents; Letters; Samaritana; Other material relating to Hebraica and Judaica; Indexes; List of abbreviations and short titles.