Synthesis of Psychiatric Cases

Synthesis of Psychiatric Cases is aimed at the clinical part of postgraduate psychiatry examinations. Each chapter gives clear information on a classic case. In addition, a number of hypothetical cases are included in order to illustrate how varied presentations can be and that the important issues for one case are not necessarily the same as another, despite a similar diagnosis. The book incorporates DSMIV diagnostic criteria together with essential differential diagnoses and management plans. This allows the trainee to build on their theoretical knowledge whilst at the same time emphasising the relevant clinical issues for each patient.


Acknowledgements; Introduction; Part I. Affective Disorders: 1. Depression; 2. Depression case; 3. Bipolar affective disorder; 4. Bipolar affective disorder case; 5. Post partum problems; 6. Post partum problems case; Part II. Psychosis: 7. First admission psychosis; 8. Schizophrenia; 9. Schizophrenia case; 10. Paranoid patient; Part III. Eating Disorders: 11. Anorexia nervosa; 12. Anorexia nervosa case; 13. Bulimia nervosa; Part IV. Anxiety Disorders: 14. Anxiety; 15. Panic disorder; 16. Social Phobia; 17. Obsessive compulsive disorder; 18. Post-traumatic stress disorder; Part V. Substance-related Disorders: 19. Alcohol; 20. Alcohol case; Part VI. Dementia: 21. Dementia; 22. Dementia case; Part VII. Somatoform Disorders: 23. Chronic pain; 24. Liaison case; Part VIII. Suicide and Deliberate Self-harm: 25. Suicide; 26. Deliberate self-harm; Part IX. Personality Disorders: 27. Borderline personality disorder; 28. Antisocial personality disorder; Part X. Forensic: 29. Dangerous patients; Part XI. Movement Disorders: 30. Drug-induced movement disorders; 31. Parkinsonism; 32. Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome; Part XII. Psychodynamic: 33. Insight and defence mechanisms; Part XIII. Management of Anxiety in the Exam Situation; Part XIV. Mnemonics.