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The Great Winglebury Duel
'Desperate-minded villain!' Two of Dickens' hilarious early stories from Sketches by Boz: 'The Great Winglebury Duel' and 'Bloomsbury Christening'... Les mer
The Yellow Wall-Paper
'The color is hideous enough, and unreliable enough, and infuriating enough, but the pattern is torturing.' Written with barely controlled fury after... Les mer
The Old Nurse’s Story
'Even in the stillness of that dead-cold weather, I had heard no sound of little battering hands upon the window-glass...' A phantom child roams the... Les mer
Remember, Body...
'All those excessive, useless regrets...' A collection of nostalgic, erotic poetry from one of the greatest Greek poets to have ever lived.... Les mer
The Atheist’s Mass
This is as much a mystery as the Immaculate Conception, which of itself must make a doctor an unbeliever.' A stunning pair of short stories about... Les mer
The Communist Manifesto
'The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains.' Marx and Engels' revolutionary summons to the working classes - one of the most important... Les mer
A Pair of Silk Stockings
'At night, among the reeds on the bayou, Chicot could still hear the woman's wail, mingled now with the croaking of the frogs...' From one of the... Les mer
Aphorisms on Love and Hate
'We must learn to love, learn to be kind, and this from our earliest youth...Likewise, hatred must be learned and nurtured, if one wishes to become a... Les mer
Speaking of Siva
'To the utterly at-one with Siva there's no dawn.' Meditative, deeply personal poems to the god Siva, from four major Hindu saints. Introducing... Les mer
The Gate of the Hundred Sorrows
'Mind you, it was a pukka, respectable opium-house, and not one of those stifling, sweltering chandoo-khanas that you can find all over the City.'... Les mer
As Kingfishers Catch Fire
'O let them be left, wildness and wet.' As Kingfishers Catch Fire is a selection of Gerard Manley Hopkins' incomparably brilliant poetry, ranging... Les mer
Mrs Rosie and the Priest
This title contains four hilarious and provocative stories from Boccaccio's Decameron, featuring cuckolded husbands, cross-dressing wives and very... Les mer
The Nightingales are Drunk
'Drunk or sober, king or soldier, none will be excluded.' Sensual, profound, delighted, wise, Hafez's poems have enchanted their readers for more... Les mer
Jason and Medea
'The Argonauts were terrified at the sight. But Jason planting his feet apart stood to receive them, as a reef in the sea confronts the tossing... Les mer
O Cruel Alexis
'But I, while vineyards ring with the cicadas' scream, Retrace your steps, alone, beneath the burning sun.' Virgil's lyrical, wistful and often witty... Les mer
On the Beach at Night Alone
'All nations, colors, barbarisms, civilizations, languages...' A selection taken from Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass. Introducing Little Black... Les mer
Keep the aspidistra flying
Gordon Comstock loathes dull, middle-class respectability and worship of money. He gives up a 'good job' in advertising to work part-time in a... Les mer
The Democracy Project
From their earliest meetings, activist David Graeber knew that the Occupy Wall Street movement was something different. From small beginnings its... Les mer
As I walked Out one Midsummer Morning
A beautiful piece of writing Observer The vivid sensitive, irresistibly readable story of what happened after he left home Daily Mail A poet's book... Les mer
All that is solid melts into air
Moscow, 1986. In a run-down apartment block, a piano prodigy practices silently to avoid disturbing the neighbours. In a factory, his aunt makes car... Les mer
This Changes Everything
Naomi Klein, author of the number 1 international bestsellers, The Shock Doctrine and No Logo, returns with This Changes Everything, a must-read on... Les mer
Autobiography covers Morrissey’s life from his birth until the present day. Steven Patrick Morrissey was born in Manchester on May 22nd 1959.... Les mer
Down and Out in Paris and London
Renowned urban artist Shepard Fairey's new look for Orwell's classic account of life on the streetsTo be poor and destitute in 1920s Paris and London... Les mer
Politics and the English Language
'Politics and the English Language' is widely considered Orwell's most important essay on style. Style, for Orwell, was never simply a question of... Les mer