Enter Morris Imposternak, Pursued by Ironies

What shall we do with these questions, questions?
The questions are there but not the answers.

Sometimes it seems as if there are some answers,
But you come up closer and they turn out to be, after all, questions.

Twelve unhappy love poems by America’s best-loved unhappy love poet! These pieces about the heartbreak of Morris Imposternak, a competitor of DJ Spinoza, ask how one is to feel real emotion in a world where all objects are interchangeable, and how one is to express such emotion in a world that precludes the possibility of true statement.

Eugene Ostashevsky is a Russian-born American poet from New York City. His poetry collection, Iterature, displays the dissonant rhythms, heavy unexpected rhymes and multilingual puns that occupied him at the turn of the century, as well as a healthy interest in mathematics. His more recent work, the forthcoming Life and Opinions of DJ Spinoza, employs characters such as MC Squared, Peepeesaurus, the Begriffon and, of course, DJ Spinoza, to explore the shortcomings of axiomatic systems with the insouciance and energy of Saturday-morning cartoons. He has edited an English-language anthology of Russian absurdist writings of the 1930s by such authors as Alexander Vvedensky and Daniil Kharms. His PhD dissertation was on the history of zero. He teaches the humanities at New York University.

Nøkkelord: Poesi

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