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Ideals as Interests in Hobbes’s Leviathan
S. A. Lloyd proposes a radically new interpretation of Hobbes’s Leviathan that shows transcendent interests - interests that override the fear of... Les mer
Essays on Henry Sidgwick
The dominant moral philosophy of nineteenth-century Britain was utilitarianism, beginning with Bentham and ending with Sidgwick. Though once... Les mer
Knowledge, Belief, and Strategic Interaction
There has been a great deal of interaction among game theorists, philosophers and logicians in certain foundational problems concerning rationality,... Les mer
Ancient and Medieval Memories
This book is an analysis of thinking, remembering and reminiscing according to ancient authors, and their medieval readers. The author argues that... Les mer
Hegel och det moderna samhället
Taylor är känd som en filosof med stor förmåga att skriva klart och enkelt. Det är egenskaper som kännetecknar hans bok om Hegel, en bok i... Les mer
Lost Dimension
To read these five essays of 1983 is to begin to come to terms with the theoretical cataclysm of the present. In Lost Dimension, Paul Virilio... Les mer
The Aesthetics of Disappearance
In The Aesthetics of Disappearance, Paul Virilio traces out the relationship of biological optics to the technological "production of... Les mer
Luther and Calvin on Secular Authority
Martin Luther and John Calvin were the principal magistral Reformers of the sixteenth-century: they sought to enlist the cooperation of rulers in the... Les mer
Cicero: On Duties
De Officiis (On Duties) was Cicero’s last philosophical work. In it he made use of Greek thought to formulate the political and ethical values of... Les mer
The Accursed Share Volume I
In this important work, Georges Bataille uses his novel economic theory as the basis for an incisive inquiry into the... Les mer
Hermeneutik och kultur
Hellesnes distanserar sig dock från en alltför renodlad tillämpning av den kulturella relativismen. Han kritiserar bl a den bland... Les mer
Mortal Questions
Thomas Nagel’s Mortal Questions explores some fundamental issues concerning the meaning, nature and value of human life. Questions about our... Les mer
War in the Age of Intelligent Machines
In the aftermath of the methodical destruction of Iraq during the Persian Gulf War, the power and efficiency of new... Les mer
Elements of the Philosophy of Right
This book is a translation of a classic work of modern social and political thought, Elements of the Philosophy of Right. Hegel’s last major... Les mer
Political Writings
The original edition of Kant: Political Writings was first published in 1970, and has long been established as the principal English-language edition... Les mer
Den fenomenologiska rörelsen i Sverige
... man kan ha stort nöje av lektyren, som går ända fram till det intellektuellt ödesdigra året 1968. Man får sig till livs mången god... Les mer
On the Duty of Man and Citizen according to Natural Law
On the Duty of Man and Citizen (1673) is Pufendorf’s succinct and condensed presentation of the natural law political theory he developed in his... Les mer
Kön och existens
Det är en imponerande grundlig och uppmärksam studie som både sätter in Beauvoirs verk i sin tid, politiskt och filosofiskt, och samtidigt lyckas... Les mer
Statism and Anarchy
Statism and Anarchy is a complete English translation of the last work by the great Russian anarchist Michael Bakunin, written in 1873. Then he... Les mer
John of Salisbury (c.1115–1180) was the foremost political theorist of his age. He was trained in scholastic theology and philosophy at Paris, and... Les mer
Understanding Action
This is an important new book about human motivation, about the reasons people have for their actions. What is distinctively new about it is its... Les mer
Sade My Neighbor
Enlightenment ideals of a society rooted in liberationist reason and morality were trampled in the wake of the savagery of the Second World War. That... Les mer
Political Writings
Francisco Vitoria was the earliest and arguably the most important of the Thomist political philosophers of the Counter-Reformation. Not only did he... Les mer
Political Writings
John Milton was not only the greatest English Renaissance poet but also devoted twenty years to prose writing in the advancement of religious, civil... Les mer