Bøker i kategorien Historie
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Berlin Divided City, 1945-1989
A great deal of attention continues to focus on Berlin's cultural and political landscape after the fall of the Berlin Wall, but as yet, no...
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Det glemte partnerskapet
Båndene mellom Norge og Storbritannia er solid forankret – historisk, politisk, økonomisk og kulturelt. Aldri har de omfattet så mange områder...
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Proust uch bläckfisken. Berättelsen om och vetenskapen om den läsande hjärnan
Det är ett äventyr att kunna läsa. Att när som helst kunna kliva över tröskeln till en annan värld, där svarta figurer på en vit bakgrund...
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Skuld. De första 5000 åren
Skuldhantering har blivit en huvudfråga i internationell politik. Men ingen tycks veta exakt vad begreppet skuld står för eller hur man ska...
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A Social History of Europe, 1945-2000 (Heftet) Recovery and Transformation After Two World Wars
Since 1945 Europe has experienced many periods of turmoil and conflict and as many moments of peace and integration: from the devastation felt in the...
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Histories of Nations
Global histories tend to be written from the narrow viewpoint of a single author, but how do writers and citizens in the different countries of the...
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Østfolds helleristninger
Ingen steder i Norge finnes det så mange helleristninger som i Østfold. Over 470 lokaliteter er registrert i fylket - med til sammen mer enn 10 000...
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Vingen. Et naturens kolosalmuseum for helleristninger
Vingen er Sør-Norges største helleristningsområde med om lag 2200 figurer. Det ligger i Bremanger, på ytterkysten av Sogn og Fjordane, i et...
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Ill fares the Land
Ill fares the land, to hastening ills a prey, Where wealth accumulates, and men decay' - Oliver Goldsmith. Something is profoundly wrong with the...
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The Tailor of Ulm
Nineteen years have passed since the Italian Communists' last Congress in 1991, in which the death of their party was decreed. It was a...
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Marxism and the French Left
"Unlike most books, which treat labor, Socialist and Communist history separately and view French Marxism as a self-contained philosophical...
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Arena-information er overskriften på en serie småtryk, der fulgte med udvalgte bøger fra forlaget Arena i perioden fra 1967 til 1982. Småtrykkene...
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Watergate’s Legacy and the Press
Did two reporters really change the course of history? And what impact did they actually have on American journalism and government? Jon Marshall...
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En gång talade man om Staden
Atlanta, Detroit, Fagersta, Karlsruhe, Lund, New York, Norrköping, Shanghai och inte minst Stockholm. Idag talar man mer än någonsin om Staden om...
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Introduction to Civil War
"Society no longer exists, at least in the sense of a differentiated whole. There is only a tangle of norms and mechanisms through which THEY...
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Postwar - A History of Europe Since 1945
Europe in 1945 was prostrate. Much of the continent was devastated by war, mass slaughter, bombing and chaos. Large areas of Eastern Europe were...
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Själens medium
I Själens medium behandlar litteraturhistorikern, redaktören och DN-kritikern Thomas Götselius det svindlande ögonblick när den tryckta boken...
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The End of the Revolution
Challenging both the bureaucratic one-party regime and the Western neoliberal paradigm, China’s leading critic shatters the myth of progress and...
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Mitt på Grönlands ostkust ligger Scoresbysund. Platsen koloniserades 1924 av en handfull danskar och befolkades med 100 grönlänningar från...
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Writing Against Revolution
Conservative culture in the Romantic period should not be understood merely as an effort to preserve the old regime in Britain against the threat of...
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Art as Plunder
This book examines the ancient origins of debate about art as cultural property. What happens to art in time of war? Who should own art, and what is...
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Den stora omställningen
Hyresrätter och snabbtåg kan få en avgörande betydelse för hur vår framtid gestaltar sig. Det menar urbanteoretikern Richard Florida i denna...
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Gustaviansk mystik
Under århundraden har forskare och allmänhet undrat över vad som döljs i den svenska Frimurarordens arkiv i källaren under Bååtska palatset...
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Liv Laga: Erfaringer fra Steinerskolen
I denne boken om Steienrskolen i Norge, som vi har valgt å kalle Liv laga, møter du et mangfold av tidligere og nåværende elever som skildrer hva...
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