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Horace: Epistles Book II and Ars Poetica
This commentary fulfils the need for a student edition of Horace’s literary epistles, which have recently been the subject of renewed scholarly... Les mer
Apollonius of Rhodes
The Argonautica of Apollonius of Rhodes, composed in the third century BC and the only extant Greek epic between Homer and the later Roman empire,... Les mer
Apollonius of Rhodes
The Argonautica of Apollonius of Rhodes, composed in the third century BC and the only extant Greek epic between Homer and the later Roman empire,... Les mer
Tankens doft
Den engelske poeten Gascoyne tog avstamp i 30-talets surrealism och har utvecklats mot en personlig kristen mystik. Översättning Lars-Inge Nilsson,... Les mer
Den osedda rosen
Raine debuterade 1943 och är en av vår tids främsta engelska poeter. Här introduceras hon på svenska med ett urval från hennes visionära... Les mer
Guds hus
Vagabonden Nordbrandt är obestridligen Danmarks för närvarande främste poet. Detta är en central samling där medelhavsmiljön och motivkretsen... Les mer
Tolv månaders dikter
Michael Economou är född 1956 och bosatt i Lund. Tolv månaders dikter är hans... Les mer
Främlingen går sin väg
Huchel är en av den moderna tyska poesins viktigaste gestalter. Hans dikter speglar samtidens uppslitande historia, undersöker landskapen, språket... Les mer
After Calculus
"Surfaces pass through surfaces" in this short poetic sequence in which we witness a silence gradually gaining on the words which, although... Les mer
Striking Resemblance
Four pieces which reflect Darragh's concern with the cross-fertilization of the formal and the personal. They investigate, for instance, the... Les mer
Et karakteristisk trekk ved Ketil Gjessings lyrikk er det konkrete i billedbruken. Dette betyr ikke at bildet ikke kan være bærer av et... Les mer
Virgil: Georgics: Volume 1, Books I-II
This volume and its companion volume devoted to the second half of the poem provide a detailed commentary, with text, on the whole of Virgil’s... Les mer
This volume, the second of two companion volumes which provide a detailed commentary, with text, on the whole of Virgil’s Georgics, is devoted to... Les mer
A Hellenistic Anthology
This book is an anthropology of Greek poetry written during the third to first centuries B. C. - the so-called Hellenistic period. It is intended to... Les mer
This volume, the second of two companion volumes which provide a detailed commentary, with text, on the whole of Virgil’s Georgics, is devoted to... Les mer
The Body Of Liberties
A poem sequence which takes its title from the First Body of Laws (1641) of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. It draws on such diverse texts as captivity... Les mer
Life Moves Outside
Fables of naming whose tensions are shifts in sounds and intentions and whose paragraph planes may be heard as the advancing contours of one... Les mer
Ennå allerede
Terje Dragseth er født i Kristiansand i 1955. Han debuterte som forfatter i 1980 med diktsamlingen Offerfesten. Siden har han gitt ut åtte... Les mer
"Jeg er poet." Med disse ordene trådte den pur unge jødiske sovjetlyrikeren Iosef Brodskij frem for Leningrad distriktsrett februar 1964,... Les mer
Martti Soutkaris andra... Les mer
Den tyskspråkige lyrikern Paul Celan (1920–1970) framstår idag som en av 1900-talets stora modernister. Med sina rötter i den judiska mystiken... Les mer
The Virginia Woolf Poems
Three sequences drawn from Virginia Woolf's novels by Mac Low's "diastic" method which is described in the short essay, "The... Les mer
Entire Days
An attempt to measure, in language, the impact and implications of a continuous day on a single life. Various articulations of the externals, time,... Les mer