Bøker i kategorien Poesi

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The Heat Bird
Four long poems, set in New Mexico, which accumulate into an intricate narrative. Mei-mei Berssenbrugge was bom in Beijing, China, and now lives... Les mer
Matinee Light
Hartog's first collection of poetry is a marvellous, luminous book from a writer with a sure wit, an abundance of feeling and a profound sense of the... Les mer
Homer: Iliad Book XXIV
The twenty-fourth book of the Iliad - the account of Priam’s ransoming of Hector’s body from Achilles - is one of the masterpieces of world... Les mer
L issa McLaughlin aspires to squash expectation, which hastens surprise. She was born in upstate NY, attended college in the Midwest and... Les mer
A biography of Francis Bacon in verse, with prose interludes. Four aspects of Bacon are examined: the aspirant who became--in the worldly sense-- the... Les mer
Miners Getting Off the Graveyard
"A book full of hard life, hard feeling and hard thought, yet lyrical in its hardness. Hall mixes his vocabularies, ideational to sensual, with... Les mer
Propertius: Elegies: Book 1
Propertius, though his works are small in volume, is one of the foremost poets of the Augustan age, and his writing has a certain appeal to modern... Les mer
Virgil: Eclogues
Pastoral poetry was probably the creation of the Hellenistic poet Theocritus, and he was certainly its most distinguished exponent in Greek. Vergil... Les mer
Marianne Larsen: Aforismer 1. udgave 1.... Les mer
Virgil: Aeneid Book VIII
Book VIII is one of the most attractive and important books of Virgil’s Aeneid. It includes the visit of Aaneas to the site of the future Rome, the... Les mer
Poetry. A book-length poem with the rhythms of Don Cherry and John Chicai and the vision of Charles Olson, all held in tension against silence. "POEM... Les mer
Leaves of Grass
As Malcolm Cowley says in his introduction, the first edition of Leaves of Grass 'might be called the buried masterpiece of American writing', for it... Les mer
En samling reisedikt fra årets Sultpris-vinner av usedvanlig kaliber og ambisjon – både når det gjelder poetisk tankekraft og originalitet i... Les mer
Stretching from Anglo-Saxon fragments, through the Shakespeare of Midsummer Night’s Dream, the ecstatic lyrics of John Clare, elegiac minimalism of... Les mer
De andre sirkler, og jeg en strek
Diktene i De andre sirkler, og jeg en strek er lydmalende og preget av stor presisjon i språk og bilder, og et særegent lynne gir seg til kjenne.... Les mer
Audiatur – Katalog for ny poesi, 2009 [e-bok]
Audiatur - Festival for ny poesi går 3.-8. november 2009 av stabelen for fjerde gang. Festivalen vil bestå av opplesninger, panelsamtaler, en... Les mer
Last ned
Gertrud Olsson f.1960. Svensk digter og arkitekt. Uddrag: ..... så er nuet ovre avislæsningen kan igen begynde forfra round and... Les mer
Three Tang Dynasty Poets
'Can I bear to leave these blue hills?' It is a generous selection from three of the greatest and most enjoyable of Chinese poets. Introducing Little... Les mer
Circles of Hell
'I truly thought I'd never make it back.' Ten of the most memorable and most terrifying cantos from Dante's Inferno. Introducing Little Black... Les mer
Sakprosauka i Moss 19 – Nazneen Khan-Østrem (20. oktober)
Søndag 20. oktober kl 14.00 kommer Nazneen Khan-Østrem til House of Foundation for å foretelle fra boken «London. Blant gangstere, rabbiner,... Les mer
Sakprosauka i Moss 19 – Lars Kvamme (19. oktober)
Journalist og forfatter Lars Kvamme skildrer I denne boken laksens liv fra de eldste tider til i dag – i europeiske elver, i chilenske merder og... Les mer
Sakprosauka i Moss 19 – Inger Merete Hobbelstad (20. oktober)
Hun har hittil overlevd 14 statsministre – fra Winston Churchill til Theresa May. Hun er den monark i verden som har sittet lengst på tronen.... Les mer