Bøker med nøkkelord «Filosofi»
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The Philosophy of F. P. Ramsey
F. P. Ramsey was a remarkably creative and subtle philosopher who in the briefest of academic careers (he died tragically in 1930 aged 26) made...
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Philosophy in a New Century
John R. Searle has made profoundly influential contributions to three areas of philosophy: philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, and philosophy...
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War: Essays in Political Philosophy
War has been a key topic of speculation and theorising ever since the invention of philosophy in classical antiquity. This anthology brings together...
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In Defense of Lost Causes
Is global emancipation a lost cause? Are universal values outdated relics of an earlier age? In the postmodern world, ideologies of all kinds have...
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Reading Ethics
This text encourages students to engage with key problems and arguments in ethics through a series of classic and contemporary...
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Copernicus, Darwin, Freud
Using Copernicanism, Darwinism, and Freudianism as examples of scientific traditions, Copernicus, Darwin and Freud takes a philosophical look at...
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Descartes and the Passionate Mind
Descartes is often accused of having fragmented the human being into two independent substances, mind and body, with no clear strategy for explaining...
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Aristotle and the Science of Nature
Andrea Falcon’s work is guided by the exegetical ideal of recreating the mind of Aristotle and his distinctive conception of the theoretical...
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Hegel's Political Theology
This study begins with an examination of Milan Kundera's concept of 'kitsch', which is defined and investigated in his novel The Unbearable Lightness...
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Dialoger 85-86/2008
Dialoger behandlar relationen mellan vetenskap och konst och vill fördjupa diskussionen om arbete, språk, kultur och kunskap. Deltagare är bland...
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The Modern Philosophical Revolution
The Modern Philosophical Revolution breaks new ground by demonstrating the continuity of European philosophy from Kant to Derrida. Much of the...
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An Introduction to Medieval Philosophy
By exploring the philosophical character of some of the greatest medieval thinkers, An Introduction to Medieval Philosophy provides a rich overview...
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Theory of the Postwar Theories (Observations on Franco-German relations since 1945)
A new cultural-theoretical approach is used to develop a philosophy to overcome post-war traumata, or the traumatization effects that affect entire...
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Friedrich Schleiermacher
Friedrich Schleiermacher's groundbreaking work in theology and philosophy was forged in the cultural ferment of Berlin at the convergence of the...
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Plotinus on Sense-Perception
This book is a philosophical analysis of Plotinus’ views on sense-perception. It aims to show how his thoughts were both original and a development...
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The Public Forum and Christian Ethics
This book addresses the question of the communication of Christian ethics in the public forum of liberal, pluralist societies. Drawing on debates in...
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Kroppens idéhistorie: En grundbog
Alt har en historie, og kroppen - mennesket som krop - har både en naturhistorie (evolution; biologi, fysiologi etc.), en kulturhistorie...
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Hegel’s Practical Philosophy
This fresh and original book argues that the central questions in Hegel's practical philosophy are the central questions in modern accounts of...
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Hegemonin och den socialistiska strategin
Hegemonin och den socialistiska strategin (1985) är en klassiker inom den politiska teorin, en given referenspunkt för dagens samhällsdebatter...
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Midler uten mål: Notater om politikk
Hva er et menneskeliv, og hva er politikkens oppgave? Slike fundamentale spørsmål er den italienske filosofen Giorgio Agamben opptatt av. Han...
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Religion and Faction in Hume's Moral Philosophy
This book explores Hume’s concern with the destructiveness of religious factions and his efforts to develop, in his moral philosophy, a solution to...
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Ethics In Action: A Case-Based Approach
Through the analysis of forty ethical dilemmas drawn from real-life situations, Ethics in Action guides the reader through a process of moral...
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Legal Positivism in American Jurisprudence
This book represents a serious and philosophically sophisticated guide to modern American legal theory, demonstrating that legal positivism has been...
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