Bøker med nøkkelord «Litteraturvitenskap»

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A Singular Modernity
The concepts of modernity and modernism are amongst the most controversial and vigorously debated in contemporary philosophy and cultural theory. In... Les mer
The Wheel of Fire
Originally published in 1930, this classic of modern Shakespeare criticism proves both enlightening and innovative. Standing head and shoulders above... Les mer
Rhyme’s Reason
In his classic text, Rhyme’s Reason, the distinguished poet and critic John Hollander surveys the schemes, patterns, and forms of English verse,... Les mer
Paul de Man
Paul de Man's work is key to the American deconstruction movement and to the so-called political turn in critical theory. Seventeen years after his... Les mer
Språkets estetiske dimensjon
Kunst og vitenskap anses med rette som forskjellige uttrykks- og erkjennelsesformer, men i likhet med kunst er vitenskap noe som skapes. Boken... Les mer
A Short History of Structural Linguistics
This concise history of structural linguistics charts its development from the 1870s to the present day. It explains what structuralism was and why... Les mer
Historicity of Experience, the Modernity, the Avant-Garde, and the Event
In this groundbreaking volume, Krzysztof Ziarek rethinks modern experience by bringing together philosophical critiques of modernity and avant-garde... Les mer
21st-century Modernism: The New Poetics
What if, despite the current predominance of a tepid and unambitious Establishment poetry, there were a powerful avant-garde that takes up, once... Les mer
A Short History of Structural Linguistics
This concise history of structural linguistics charts its development from the 1870s to the present day. It explains what structuralism was and why... Les mer
Prosopopeia 1/2000 – Drama
Ask, Auklend, Eliassen, Genet, Hammer, Hamsun, Hustvedt, Ibsen, Iversen, Kittang, Kroglund, Linneberg, Løw,... > Les mer
Sigmund Freud
Sigmund Freud provides an invaluable introduction to the life and work of one of the twentieth century's most important thinkers. Studied on most... Les mer
Författaren och hjälten i den estetiska verksamheten
Författaren och hjälten skrevs åren efter den ryska revolutionen, men kom att publiceras först efter författarens död. Detta tidiga verk av... Les mer
'Pataphysics, the pseudoscience imagined by Alfred Jarry, has so far, because of its academic frivolity and hermetic perversity, attracted very... Les mer
The relationships between modernity and modernism, modernism and the historical avant-garde, modernism and postmodernism, and postmodernism and the... Les mer
The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism
This volume of the celebrated Cambridge History of Literary Criticism series addresses literary criticism of the Romantic period, chiefly in Europe.... Les mer
Radio Dialogs 1
One of the great writers of German modernism, Arno Schmidt was born in 1914 in Hamburg. Beginning in 1949, Schmidt published a number of fictions... Les mer
Om det ufuldkomne
Denne særprægede lille bog blev til i den første tid efter, af A.-J. Griemas havde afsluttet sit mangeårige og legendariske ugentlige seminar og... Les mer
Böckerna i boken
64 kortessäer om Bibelns samtliga böcker av skilda författare: lekfulla, allvarliga, respektlösa, utmanande och framför allt personliga... Les mer
I tegnenes vold: Om det tomme tegns etik
Roland Barthes (født 12. november 1915 i Cherbourg, Manche, påkjørt av en bil 25. februar 1980 og døde én måned senere 25. mars 1980 i Paris)... Les mer
The Poetics of Indeterminacy
In her seminal study, first published in 1981, Marjorie Perloff argues that the map of Modernist poetry needs to be redrawn to include a central... Les mer
Jag. Du. Vi.
Kristoffer Leandoer, poet, romanförfattare och kritiker, har länge fängslats av Marcel Prousts person och hans livsverk På spaning efter den tid... Les mer
Oulipo: A Primer of Potential Literature
This is an amazing anthology of writings by members of the group known as Oulipo, including, among others, Italo Calvino, Harry Mathews, Georges... Les mer
Den orörliga lågan
Tio års studier har de nu samlat i en liten, men ytterst komprimerad, volym med den brännande titeln Den orörliga lågan. I en stil som närmar... Les mer
After Babel
First published in 1975, After Babel constituted the first systematic investigation of the theory and processes of translation since the eighteenth... Les mer