Bøker med nøkkelord «Samtidspoesi»

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Mutations is Hugh Thomas’ first book of poetry. Many of the poems contained within are rearrangements of already existing textual material (ads,... Les mer
The Illustrated Venright English Dictionary
Illustrations by William Davison and Sherri Lyn Higgins Ever wondered exactly what ‘berserk’ means? How about ‘komoto’? Or ‘tantrum’?... Les mer
Mörkret skulle vara som ljuset
"Det desperata känsloläget påminner om den lysande fjolårsromanen 'Yarden' som med poetisk realism beskrev det självupplevda... Les mer
Vinci, Later
Danish poet Morten Søndergaard has been living abroad and spent some time in the little Italian town of Vinci. The poetry in this collection is... Les mer
What Happend
What Happened is a new collection of ‘pre-enlightenment’ poems about everything Tom Walmsley considers significant, both to himself and... Les mer