On the Nature and Existence of God

There has been in recent years a plethora of defences of theism from analytical philosophers: Richard Gale’s important book is a critical response to these writings. New versions of cosmological, ontological, and religious experience arguments are critically evaluated, along with pragmatic arguments to justify faith on the grounds of its prudential or moral benefits. In considering arguments for and against the existence of God, Gale is able to clarify many important philosophical concepts including exploration, time, free will, personhood, actuality, and the objectivity of experience.

• Survey and assessment of the arguments for the existence of God, as well as the nature of God • Will interest theologians as well as philosophers of religion


Acknowledgements; Introduction; Part I. Atheological Arguments: 1. Atheology and the nature of God; 2. The creation - immutability argument; 3. The omniscience - immutability argument; 4. The deductive argument from evil; 5. The argument from world-relative actuality; Part II. Theological Arguments: 6. Ontological arguments; 7. Cosmological arguments; 8. Religious-experience arguments; 9. Pragmatic arguments; Notes; Index.