Bøker med nøkkelord «Litteraturvitenskap»

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The Novel of the Spanish Civil War (1936–1975)
This is a major English study of the novels of the Spanish Civil War. The book is based on an analysis of some eighty Spanish novels, written in... Les mer
Faulkner’s Subject
Faulker’s Subject: A Cosmos No One Owns offers a reading of William Faulkner by viewing his masterpieces through the lens of current critical... Les mer
The Cambridge Companion to Performance Studies
Since the turn of the century, Performance Studies has emerged as an increasingly vibrant discipline. Its concerns – embodiment, ethical research... Les mer
The Consequence of Innovation
Dworkin has edited a collection of amazing new essays on poetics, summarizing the variety of poetries that have arisen in innovative writing during... Les mer
The Cambridge Companion to Seamus Heaney
Seamus Heaney is a unique phenomenon in contemporary literature, as a poet whose individual volumes (such as his Beowulf translation, and individual... Les mer
The Cambridge Companion to W. E. B. Du Bois
W. E. B. Du Bois was the pre-eminent African American intellectual of the twentieth century. As a pioneering historian, sociologist and civil rights... Les mer
The Nature of Fiction
This important book provides a theory about the nature of fiction, and about the relation between the author, the reader and the fictional text. The... Les mer
Henry James and Sexuality
In Henry James and Sexuality, Hugh Stevens argues for a new interpretation of James’s fiction. Stevens argues that James’s writing contains... Les mer
Solon and Early Greek Poetry
The poetry of archaic Greece gives voice to the history and politics of the culture of that age. This book explores the types of history that have... Les mer
Meter in Poetry: A New Theory
Many of the great works of world literature are composed in metrical verse, that is, in lines which are measured and patterned. Meter in Poetry: A... Les mer
H.D. and Sapphic Modernism 1910–1950
Diana Collecott proposes that Sappho’s presence in H. D.’s work is as significant as that of Homer in Pound’s and of Dante in Eliot’s. She... Les mer
Verdenslitteraturens filologi
Den tyske filologen Erich Auerbach (1892-1957) er forfatteren av storverket Mimesis, som handler om virkelighetsfremstillingen i Vestens litteratur... Les mer
Graphic Design, Print Culture, and the Eighteenth-Century Novel
The uniformity of the eighteenth-century novel in today’s paperbacks and critical editions no longer conveys the early novel’s visual exuberance.... Les mer
A Companion to Modernist Literature and Culture
The Companion combines a broad grounding in the essential texts and contexts of the modernist movement with the unique insights of scholars whose... Les mer
Jurij Lotman er et av de store navnene innenfor 1900-tallets semiotikk og strukturalisme - teorier om hvordan vi kommuniserer ved hjelp av tegn.... Les mer
Northern Arts
Northern Arts is a magnificent and provocative exploration of Scandinavian literature and art. With intellectual power and deep emotional insights,... Les mer
Skapelsens problem
Olav Nygard (1884–1924) er en av våre mest særpregede diktere, og blant hans dikt finner vi noen absolutte høydepunkter i norsk lyrikk. Nygards... Les mer
Norsk litterær kanon
Hva er en kanon? Hvilke verker tilhører den norske litterære kanon? For første gang i Norge foreligger en offisiell litterær kanon, og de 25... Les mer
Nathaniel Hawthorne
From the self-withdrawn Fanshawe through the posthumously issued Dr Grimshaw’s Secret, this compilation of reviews and notices traces Nathaniel... Les mer
Twentieth-Century Poetry and the Visual Arts
The emergence of photography and film in the twentieth century helped to create a shift from a culture of words to a culture of images. Since then,... Les mer
Imagining Equality in Nineteenth-Century American Literature
The theme of inequality has often dominated academic criticism, which has been concerned with identifying, analyzing, and demystifying various... Les mer
Journalism and the Novel
Literary journalism is a rich field of study that has played an important role in the creation of the English and American literary canons. In this... Les mer
Shakespeare and Tolerance
Shakespeare’s remarkable ability to detect and express important new currents and moods in his culture often led him to dramatise human... Les mer
Scotland and the Fictions of Geography
Focusing on the relationship between England and Scotland and the interaction between history and geography, Penny Fielding explores how Scottish... Les mer